Strength to Go Forward

Strength to Go Forward

“Strengthened resolution to go forward comes from the knowledge that this is the work of God, that He is watching over it, that He will direct us in our efforts if we will be true and faithful, and our accountability is to Him… We are dedicated, as have been those...
Joseph Smith’s Vision

Joseph Smith’s Vision

“You cannot build strength on falsehood. You cannot build conviction on imagination. The basis of this great thing which we have, the restored gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Church, which was organized under divine authority, finds its roots in the vision...
Gordon B. Hinckley’s Testimony

Gordon B. Hinckley’s Testimony

“Our Eternal Father lives. He stands as the great God of the universe, ruling in majesty and power. And yet He is my Father, to whom I may go in prayer with the assurance that He will hear, listen, and answer.” “Jesus is the Christ, His immortal son, who under His...
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